Our Crypto Investment Calculator is designed to help you estimate the potential growth of your cryptocurrency investments over time. Whether you prefer a one-time investment or regular savings plan, this tool allows you to simulate different scenarios using popular cryptocurrencies.

Simply input your investment details, choose your crypto, and see how your investment could grow based on historical return rates.

Crypto Investment Calculator

Crypto Investment Calculator

Select the type of investment.
Enter the one-time investment amount in dollars.
Enter the investment period in years.
Select a preset crypto or enter your own return expectation.


Past performance is not indicative of future results. Historical data presented here should not be relied upon to predict future price movements of any cryptocurrency.

Investing in cryptocurrencies involves risks, and it is important to conduct thorough research and consult with financial advisors before making any investment decisions.

Average Returns of Ethereum (ETH)

Below, we provide a detailed overview of Ethereum’s (ETH) performance against the US Dollar (USD) over various timeframes.

The percentage values listed are based on historical data, covering periods from one year to ten years. It’s important to note that for the ten-year interval, complete data is unavailable since information only dates back to 2015.

Time Period Average Annual Return
Last Year (2023) 53.34%
3 Years (2021-2023) 125.67%
5 Years (2019-2023) 98.42%
8 Years (2016-2023) 189.72%
10 Years (2014-2023) Calculation not possible. Data is available from 2015 onwards.

Average Returns of Bitcoin (BTC)

The following table shows the average annual returns of Bitcoin over various periods. This information can help you assess the long-term performance of Bitcoin compared to other asset classes and adjust your investment strategy accordingly.

Time Period Average Annual Return
Last Year 112.5%
Last 5 Years 64.5%
Last 10 Years 67.6%

Average Returns of Solana (SOL)

Due to Solana’s more recent market history beginning in 2020, we have not included Solana in the default options of our Crypto Investment Calculator. The table below shows the annual changes in returns since its market entry.

Year Change
2024 +38.6%
2023 +918.4%
2022 -94.2%
2021 +11,180%
2020 +97.8%

How to Calculate the Average Return of Your Preferred Crypto Coin

Calculating the average return on a cryptocurrency investment is essential for understanding its performance over a specified period. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you calculate the average return of your preferred crypto coin.

Step 1: Gather Historical Price Data

To begin, you need to collect historical price data for the cryptocurrency. This information can be obtained from financial websites, crypto exchanges, or data providers that offer historical price charts and data downloads.

Make sure to collect data for the entire period you wish to analyze.

Step 2: Determine the Time Frame

Choose the time frame for which you want to calculate the average return. Common periods include one year, three years, five years, or since the coin’s inception.

Ensure you have the opening price at the beginning of the period and the closing price at the end of the period.

Step 3: Calculate the Total Return

The total return is calculated as the percentage change in the price of the cryptocurrency over the specified period. Use the following formula:

\( \text{Total Return (%)} = \left(\frac{\text{Closing Price} – \text{Opening Price}}{\text{Opening Price}}\right) \times 100 \)

Step 4: Calculate the Average Annual Return

To find the average annual return, especially for periods longer than one year, use the geometric mean. This accounts for compounding over multiple periods:

\( \text{Average Annual Return (%)} = \left(\left(\frac{\text{Closing Price}}{\text{Opening Price}}\right)^{\frac{1}{n}} – 1\right) \times 100 \)



is the number of years in the time frame.

Step 5: Analyze and Interpret the Results

Once you have calculated the average return, analyze the results in the context of market conditions, the coin’s volatility, and your investment goals.

Remember that past performance does not guarantee future returns, and the cryptocurrency market can be highly volatile.

Considerations and Tips

  • Volatility: Cryptocurrencies can be highly volatile, so consider using average returns alongside other metrics like standard deviation and Sharpe ratio to assess risk.
  • Market Conditions: Be aware of broader market trends and events that could have influenced past performance.
  • Regular Updates: Regularly update your calculations with the latest data to maintain an accurate understanding of your investment’s performance.

By following these steps, you can effectively calculate and understand the average return of your preferred cryptocurrency, helping you make informed investment decisions.

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